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The Weekend

I have completed the week and I am back at home for the weekend. It has been a strange experience for me this past week. I have felt such a void with Mama being gone. There are so many thoughts that I have of her each day and especially in the last year when she has been so sick. I am always thinking about going to see her, what she might or might not need, what could I do for her on the weekend that might make her feel better. Now I feel lost. My husband and I were making plans today and I told him that I felt like I needed to work in going to see Mama but there will be no more going to see Mama now.

I am very thankful for the time I had wih Mama. And I am very thankful that she was my mother. I know I am who I am today because of her and Daddy. They were both great parents. I learned valuable lessons from them both. My brother and I were talking about them the other day and we were saying to each other how we felt we had the perfect parents for us. We would not have changed any thing.

So, I know there is more days of adjustment to come. And I know that life is going to be so different now. I am almost 50 but I still feel as though I am a child who has lost her parents and there is such a void there. I do have my husband (wonderful friend and companion), my brother, my sister, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. God has been good to me and I know that He will continue to bless me as long as I have faith in Him. Brighter days will be ahead.



My mother passed away on September 27, 2009. Today I was thinking about her and this poem came to me. This is the first poem I have ever written. It is a tribute to my wonderful mother.


Mama I love the talks we always had; Mama you always made my heart feel glad.

Mama I love the ideas we shared;  Mama I always felt like you cared.

Mama when the whole world felt like it was coming apart; Mama I knew you would help heal my heart.

Mama the world will never be the same for me; Mama no one can show me the beauty you could always see.

But Mama I won’t be sad; I’ll rejoice and be glad.

For Mama you always said, no one stays dead.

Mama I look forward to again seeing your face; Mama I can’t wait for you to tell me about God’s heavenly place.

By: Carla Noles, September 2009


How to read a Kindle

The best way to read a Kindle:

readingAtHome                         readingWithLexyAndBuddy070509

1.  Read from home.

2.  Read in your favorite chair.

3.  Have your two dogs with you.

Nothing is better than reading with one dog at your side and the other on your chest. Give it a try some time.


No Assembly Required

Yesterday, August 23, was the three month anniversary of Lexy coming to live with us.

Lexy came fully equipped and ready. She has been a great companion. She was house trained and leash trained. She rides very well in the car and has not had any car sickness.  LexyWatchingForMike We travel a lot due to our jobs and that is very important. She plays well with our Dachshund and they are really becoming great friends.

If you are ever in need of a new doggie; look for one that requires no assembly. It makes it an even greater experience.


A New Lexus


As I had posted a little while back we lost our beautiful Chihuahua, Lucy,  to bone cancer. My husband and I both feel that she can never be replaced but we do miss the companionship and felt that we could get anoher Chi in honor of her and to help save a life by adopting the Chi.

We found the perfect choice at The League for Animal Welfare in Anniston Alabama. She was given up by her previous owner becuase he was going through a time of grief (much like we have been) from loosing his Chihuahua of 8 years (we had Lucy 8 1/2 years) and a friend of his gave him Lexus for a gift to help him get over his loss. He was not quite ready to get a new Chi and could never bond with Lexus.

The minute we saw her we knew we had to take her home. She was so tiny and sweet in the arms of the worker that brought her out to meet us. The worker told us that the Chihuahua’s name was Lexus. We had been discussing a name for our new Chi before we got her and we had decided on Lacy. We had purchased a new harness, leash and tag for the new arrival with Lacy printed on the tag. When we heard the name Lexus we looked at each other and we said “Lexy.” We loved it.

I held her and my husband and I both took her for a walk with her leash. She was so happy and well behaved. She was scheduled to be spayed that week so we told them we would take her but we would pick her up the next weekend. That was the longest week. We talked about her everyday and we could hardly wait to go and get her.

We arrived early that morning to get her. My husband said he never thought he would own a Lexus but now that has all changed. We took her to our car and I held her in my arms as we drove toward home and a new beginning for all of us.

Lexy was very frightened. She shook and panted and I held her close and put a blanket that we had bought for her over her. She began to calm down after about 15 minutes of riding with us. We talked to her and showed her the new things we had purchased for her arrival. We took her to the pet store close to our home and weighed her. She weighed 5.6 lbs. By the time we got home she was really bonding with us and she had went over to my husband’s lap and curled up and was sleeping.

Next, was the introduction for Buddy, our mini Dachshund. We decided to have Buddy meet Lexy at the end of the street where we live. I took my husband and Lexy to the end of the street and let them out. Then I went home and got Buddy. I walked Buddy out to meet them as my husband walked toward me with Lexy. Buddy saw them in the distance and he started to bark at her. We just kept walking and when we met my husband and I started talking and acting like we weren’t looking at them. They started to sniff each other and they did a little sniffing and turning (normal for dogs). Then they were ready to walk. We all four walked home. We let Buddy in the house first and then let Lexy. Buddy was a little jealous of her at first but we made sure he received all the attention that he had always received from us and soon he got over that.

Mike gave Lexy a very sweet welcome to our home.



Lexy got comfortable pretty soon and seemed like a part of the family.

Buddy and Lexi are pretty good friends now. They sleep together and sit together and play together.


We couldn’t have found a better Chihuahua. Welcome to our home Lexy.



Sick Again…

I thought I was getting over my sickness and then I got it again. I have really missed working on my afghan. I hope to get going on it again soon and post some new pictures.

In the mean time I have been reading a lot. I purchased a Kindle from Amazon. The electronic books are very easy to read. I have read about 4 books in the past 2 weeks.


Snowing and Crocheting

We had a little snow here today:

I took some pictures of Mike and Buddy:



Mike took a picture of me and Buddy on the porch:


Buddy enjoyed the fire (heater) while I began crocheting on the 4th panel of my Pineapply Heirloom Afghan:


Three completed panels lined up waiting for the other 6:

What a wonderful way to spend the day. At home with the ones you love in the place you love the most.

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Pineapple Heirloom Afghan Update


I have been sick with a bad cold for the past week. It brought a stop to progress on my Pineapple Heirloom Afghan. I am just not starting to feel like working on it again. Will update with new pictures soon.

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New Toy for Buddy

Buddy got a new toy rabbit this past weekend.

Buddy's New Rabbit

He really loves it…
Buddy with his new toy

Now if Mike wil hurry back we can have a good chase.
Buddy Waiting

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Fun, Fun and More Fun

I purchased 5 new crochet pattern books. 50 Sensational Afghans & Throws, Freeform Crochet and Beyond, Special Techniques & Stitches in Crochet, Wrapped in Crochet (Scarves, Wraps & Shawls), Ripple Stitch Patterns.
My new books.
There are so many beautiful things to crochet that I had a hard time deciding which one to do first. But I finally decided on the Pineapple Heirloom Afghan from 50 Sensational Crochet Afghans & Throws.

 Pineapple Heirloom Afghan

This afghan consist of 9 crocheted panels of 110 rows each. There are 5 panels in off-white and 4 panels in white. The panels are joined together to form the finished afghan.

I have completed 1 white panel and started the 2nd one. This is a easy pattern to crochet and after a couple of completed pattern stitches (rows 4 through 9) easily memorized making it easier and faster to crochet.
Pineapple Heirloom Afghan

I completed the first panel in about 3 hours. I don’t think that is bad for 110 rows. Although the rows are very short.


I am looking forward to more fun in the near future…